格宾网铁丝网箱护岸防洪_220丝镀锌格宾石笼价格趋势【利众】 131-0277-* 微信 361910401 曹静 格宾网官方网/chanpin/26.html 格宾网是一种铁丝网箱或者网卷结构,这种网子主要是使用在河道、岸坡、堤坝上面的,用于固定河岸两侧石头防止冲刷,或者堤坝**部加固,堤角护脚的一种结构,格宾结构是在里面加上石头,石头中间空隙经过长时间积累会有土壤沉淀,便于植物生长,现在很多园林工程中也会在格宾结构的**部覆土种植草籽如百喜草,或者小的灌木。 格宾结构时间长了会与周围环境融为一体,正好响应了不破坏就是保护的号召。 Guest net is a kind of wire cages or the network structure, the network is mainly used on the river bank slope, dam, used for fixed river on both sides of the stone to prevent scour, or at the top of the dam reinforcement, a structure of dike Angle spats, bin structure is in the inside and a stone, stone gap between after a long time there will be precipitation, soil for plant growth, now a lot of garden engineering will be at the top of the lattice bin structure of overburden soil planting grass seed such as bahia grass, or small shrubs. Lattice bin structure in the long run will be integrated with the surrounding environment, responded to the call of no damage is to protect.