河床防护铅丝石笼网箱在缓坡上的护岸【利众】 131-0277-* 小静 铅丝石笼可用于堤岸防护,或者对整个河床和河岸进行防护,铅丝笼比较适合原始岸坡和比较缓的河道。以设计枯水位为界,上部为护坡工程,下部为护脚工程。护坡工程是对原始岸坡进行修整处理后再敷设护坡反滤层及生态格网网垫结构面层,以防止水流冲刷、波浪冲击、水位变化和地下水外渗侵蚀等对岸坡表面的破坏;护脚工程则采用抗冲材料抛投于坡脚附近水下河床,形成保护层,防止水流淘刷,达到保护堤岸根基的目的。?铅丝石笼较大的优点是生态性,其内部充填的是**石料,石料之间有间隙,允许植物在其中生长,还可以有针对性地在其上播种合适的植物,具有工程护坡与植物护坡的双重功效。 Lead wire gabion can be used for bank protection, or to the entire river and river bank protection, wire box is suitable for original bank slope and relatively slow river.In order to design low water level is bounded, upside for slope protection engineering, lower for the spats engineering.Slope protection engineering is to repair the original bank again after laying filter layer and the ecological slope protection net pad structure layer, in order to prevent the water scouring, shock wave, water level change and groundwater seepage erosion on the slope surface destruction;Spats engineering, impact resistant material thrown into the water near river bed slope foot, form a protective layer, prevent water scour, achieve the goal of protection embankment foundation.The biggest advantages of lead wire gabion ecosystem, its internal filling is natural stone, stone clearance between the two, in which allows the plant growth, can also be targeted on its planting suitable plant, with the effect of the engineering slope protection and the plant slope protection.